Solar energy technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photo-voltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.
Renewable Energy (RE) is now making a noticeable impact especially in the lives of rural masses. Simultaneously though, its use for urban and semi-urban applications is also growing by the day. The JGreen-India renewal energy programme is amongst the few such programmes which is shaping up globally. Its interests cover all aspects of renewable energy, including characteristics, effects and methods of use, and it provides a common ground to all those concerned with the nature and utilization of this renewable non-polluting resource. JGreen-India has taken such steps assuming respectable market leadership position in a few areas moreso in wind energy and solar
energy. Solar Energy products like solar panels are now widely being used in India and other parts of the world.
The organization is interdisciplinary in nature, with most of the leading energy researchers and manufacturers of renewable energy systems and devices of the country as its members. High academic attainments are not a prerequisite for membership and any person engaged in research, development or utilization of renewable energy or in fields related to renewable energy and interested in the promotion of renewable energy utilization can become a member of the society. Also the organization is actively involved in promoting the development and utilization of renewal energy and is equally dedicated to the advancement of utilization of solar energy.
In the sphere of Wind energy, as per a recent study conducted by global energy institute, there has been a subsequent growth in demand of wind power with respective to the demand of the energy globally.Study says, 20GW of wind energy has been installed worldwide which again is more than a business.However, the potential is far from exhausted. Indian Wind Energy Association has estimated that with the current level of technology, the ‘on-shore’ potential for utilization of wind energy for electricity generation is of the order of 102 GW. The unexploited resource availability has the potential to sustain the growth of wind energy sector in India in the years to come.